Join the Powerbitches Leadership Council


2019 has been a year of incredible growth for Powerbitches. Our community has grown fivefold, we’ve seeded our first press and partnerships, and we’ve produced a non-stop stream of sold out events on a shoestring budget (17 so far in 2019, and 5 more to come before the end of the year).

There’s so much more we want to build and create: we have more ideas for speakers, services, and workshops than we have weeks to schedule them in. And we know that our ability to create it means letting in our community to help: whether that means hiring a paid events manager, bringing more people into the intellectual and strategic leadership of the organization, or expanding our team of facilitators.

That’s why we’re creating our first Powerbitches Leadership Council, bringing together a diverse group of womxn with expertise in business development, movement building, diversity and inclusion, marketing, legals, and operations to help set our priorities over the next 12 months and help us grow into a sustainable organization.

As a member of our Leadership Council, you will form part of Powerbitches’ internal strategic brains trust, co-leading the way as we take steps to figure out what being a sustainable organization and community looks like for us. You won’t be responsible for the day to day administration of events, but you will have the opportunity to help shape our 2020 programming and direction: Which speakers should we highlight at our Salons? What topics should we prioritize for group education? As a feminist organization with limited resources and time, where is our energy best invested?

You’ll also be responsible for helping to answer the more fundamental questions we face as an organization: How do we grow our reach and community? How can we fulfill our organization’s mission as a connector and thought leader in an expansive yet sustainable way? What’s a fair price for our events and services? How should the work involved in running Powerbitches be split between paid staff and volunteers? How do we make sure we live our values as an organization?

Leadership Council members commit to a term of 12 months, with an estimated time commitment of 4h/month, including a monthly 1 hour phone meeting and providing email feedback on strategic organizational initiatives. Members are also encouraged to lead strategic initiatives related to their area(s) of expertise, and/or lead Powerbitches salons, Brains Trusts, or group education events related to their area(s) of expertise.

Like many feminist organizations, Powerbitches runs on love and our will to bring work into the world that we believe is essential to making the planet a richer, more vibrant, and more equitable place. We charge for membership and events, but we do not generate a profit. Instead, our financial goal is sustainability: to generate enough revenue to fairly compensate everyone working on our projects, and to invest any “profit” into expanding our work and impact.

If you would like to join the Powerbitches Leadership Council, please email with a short note introducing yourself and your interest in being part of our work by Monday October 28.