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Powerbitches Gather: The No-Bullshit Guide to Self-Promotion


This event is open to Powerbitches members only. More info and RSVP here.

As ambitious artists, activists, and entrepreneurs, self-promotion is part of the job description. But how do you do it without losing your soul?

Our June "Gather" event will look at both the practical and philosophical sides of marketing your work, covering questions including:

- How do you feel about self-promotion? Is it something you embrace or resist, and why?
- How do you put a consistently confident face out to the world when some days you’re wracked with self-doubt?
- How can you talk about your work with courage and authority?
- Is it possible to be a brand and still be a human being?
- What should you DIY, and when is it better to outsource?

Powerbitches members and marketing mavens Kimmay Caldwell and Sweta Vikram will share what they've learned from promoting their own work and others, and all members will be invited to share their questions, concerns, and experiences before and during the event.